The Fifth Beatle
This comic may be my favorite so far, in that I haven't felt this way about a comic in quite some time. The story about Brian Epstein was beautifully written and Andrew Robinson is an amazing artist to enhance the experience further. I thought this story was more than just about the manager of the Beatles, his addictions or his sexual repression, what I took from this was a person who found someone he loved very much but could never have, but still love him and those same feelings were shown with his tragic assistant Moxie. I saw the dedication and sacrifice made for a band that he chose to be his family, and he put everything on the line to ensure they got the exposure they deserved. I saw someone who I wish I could be in terms of being a best friend, able to do what he could for his friends when they needed him. But what really got me was this was the story of a man who loved everyone and they absolutely loved him, but it seemed like he couldn't take the time to love himself a bit more. I think the way LGBT were treated in the UK factored into that feeling, as he had no one to be with to express that love, the page where he was talking to his parents was tragic to me, because I could sense he wished he had someone in bed with him to share his true feelings about things rather than talk to his parents about it. This is the kind of comic that hit so many emotional levels with me that I will remember it forever.
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